Documents and videos to find out more about the Institute.
The Carnot Cognition Institute
The Carnot Cognition Institute provides publications that showcase the work of researchers.
1. Yearbook
We are pleased to present the Yearbook 2021 of the Institut Carnot Cognition!
On the program for this second edition: more than 40 projects in the field of cognitive science carried out by the 22 laboratories making up the Institut Carnot Cognition. The projects are divided into five themes: cognitive augmentation technologies, cognitive behavioral assessments, collective cognition, cognition and language, and research partnerships with industry.
The Yearbook 2021 is aimed at players in the socio-economic world who want to find out about the advances in cognition being made in our laboratories; it will also shed light on the applications of cognitive technologies, which can provide considerable leverage for the innovation potential and competitiveness of companies.
For researchers in the public and private sectors, this Yearbook is a summary activity report highlighting the scientific expertise of Institut Carnot Cognition researchers.
More than ever, science is coming out of its laboratories to meet you!
2. The Carnot Cognition Institute publishes the annual Cognitive Sciences Masters Journal.
3. The Carnot Cognition Institute publishes an annual activity report.
Discover the video series "Brain in a Capsule" which presents the work or research of researchers belonging to a Carnot Cognition-labeled laboratory.